That’s a pretty bold statement to start out with; screw New Year’s resolutions. But I think they are so pointless. I used to always make them and would write them down and by about February 6, I would forget about them and go back to my old ways and never reach them. So last year was the first year I didn’t make any resolutions and decided to switch things up and I accomplished more this year than any year before.

Some highlights from my 2019:

Businesses made: 1

Websites created: 1

Cars bought: 1

Certifications gotten: 2

Jobs taken: 4

New places traveled: 4

Books read: 26


2019 is going to be a hard year to beat, but I am so excited for what I have planned in 2020 and really growing my business into something bigger than I could have imagined. I feel as though my life finally started in 2019 and I really found myself. My passions grew and I stepped up to take control of my life instead of having life just happen to me.

Whatever your goals are, the first thing I did in 2019 is make a vision board. I think these can be so helpful. The trick is to make it unique to yourself and your goals. Picture where you want your life in a year, 2 years, 5 years, 10 years and put it up on that vision board whether it’s words or pictures. Then place the board somewhere where you will be forced to look at it every day. Mine is hanging on my wall next to my bed and so everything I walk into my room I see all my biggest dreams hanging up there and I’m reminded of them and how hard I must work to achieve them. I make an IGTV on my specific vision board a while ago but will link it again if you want to check it out!

Once I had my 10-20 different life goals for myself and placed them up on my vision board, I journal about them every day. I pick out my top 5 that I want to work towards right now, and in one of my sections of my journal I have a space where it says ‘big goals’ and I seriously write them out every single day. I just started this about 6 months ago and already had accomplished one of them! I didn’t think that would happen for at least another year but when I wrote it (key: in the present tense! Ex: I drive a Tesla NOT I will drive a Tesla) and saw it every day, I worked so hard for it and did it in about 3 months!

I find that not writing SMART goals has helped a tremendous amount for me. Have you ever put a time line on a weight-loss goal and then it was like 2 months away and you knew you weren’t going to get there so you just quit? Ya, that’s why I don’t like SMART goal setting. If you plan for the future and actively work towards it, it doesn’t matter how long it takes you to get there.

Since launching my business this past year, I am taking my vision board and journaling to the next step. As we end 2019, I am making a business plan for my business in 2020. I started with rebranding my site and updating my brand colors, my target audience, how I write and speak and show up every day and now I’m getting to writing down my goals.

I’m starting with at the end of 2020 what are some things I want to accomplish and writing them down. Then I’m looking at the quarters of the year and what I need to accomplish each quarter to get there. After that, I’m taking and looking at each month, what I need to do every month to reach those quarterly goals. Then it’s looking week to week and I will break down my weeks into days as it gets closer.

I know that all these things might change and I will be sort of flying by the seat of my pants as I work through some of these things because I don’t know what it’s going to take or what my clients and followers will want out of me, but I do know a rough outline on where my business is going to take me and I’m so excited!

Even though I’m doing this from a business stand point, you can totally do this with any aspect of your life and get down to the nitty gritty of planning out your weeks/month/quarters/year.

Let me know, do you follow resolutions or SMART goals? Or do you do something different? Let me know in the comments down below!



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