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My name is Lauren Taylor Jette and I am 22 years old. I graduated college with a degree in elementary education and I am a building substitute in an elementary school. So I teach Kindergartener through fifth grade every day!

I also recently passed NASM’s Certified Personal Training test and I’m officially booking one on one clients for both workouts and macro coaching.

I have always been someone who loved helping others. Like, I was the class pet everyone hated. You know the one…who raised their hand for every question, asked to pass out the papers, and probably shushed everyone who wasn’t on task. I’m not saying I’m proud of that, but it definitely explains why I am the way I am.

As I grew up, I was involved in sports, specifically soccer, and did the whole ‘ya I work out, I’m healthy’ deal in college.

Well, guess what? That doesn’t work because I perfected the ‘skinny fat’ look while half assing my way through workouts.

Fast forward to last summer when I was done with college and back home and hated my body. I wasn’t confident at all, I had fallen into the trap so many of us do. And I realized I knew absolutely nothing about training and nutrition.

I joined 1st phorm’s  free My Transphormation Starts Today challenge, joined a group, and found out I loved everything! No more half assing my workouts, I pushed myself, counted my macros, and made more sacrifices in those first 6 months than I ever have before.

I no longer wanted to be wasted at the bar three nights a week, I didn’t care about going out to eat, and when I did, I didn’t go overboard and I made other sacrifices in my day to accommodate for the extra calories.

After going through this myself I knew I had a voice and passion to help others get their lives back on track.

I know what you’re thinking..yeah I want to get in shape but I don’t want to sacrifice my friends, relationship, I don’t want to stop going out to eat.

Guess what?…you don’t have to. Through this blog I really want to share my entire lifestyle. I want to show you how to set priorities and make healthy choices and still have the freedom to live your life. Things from health and fitness, and nutrition, to fashion, traveling, relationships, and more. Being confident in your skin is far more than the number on the scale or how often you workout.

I want to help as many people as I can reach a point in their lives where they are confident and comfortable in their skin.